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Why Bioethics?

“Bio” refers to life. And “ethics” refers to human behavior, habit, and character. Together they form an interesting and important field which is relevant to all of us. Whether we are talking about the beginning of life, the end of life, the manipulation of life, the outcomes matter for every human person.

Why “Flesh and Blood”?

In the Bible, the phrase “flesh and blood” refers to mortal humanity. It speaks of our weaknesses and fragility. In common usage today, the phrase is often applied to one’s close family, your kin. In both instances, the term applies well to the bioethics enterprise.

First of all, our very bodies are affected, corrupted unto death in fact, by the fall into sin. Our trouble is not just a spiritual condition. Disease, disorder, physical suffering, and death are fruits of our fallen sinful nature, a matter which began to be redressed when the eternal Son of God became a man by the Virgin Mary. By assuming a human nature, though without sin, the Logos restores the image of God in human beings. And by his sacrificial death upon the cross, in which His body was broken and His blood was shed, Jesus atoned for the sin of the world. As He was raised from the dead, so we who are incorporated into Him have the same Spirit of life in us and we too shall rise.

Secondly, for many of us, bioethics hits home when someone we love is sick or dying. It is more than just philosophy or theory. It is deeply personal.

Why This Blog?

This blog exists to provide education and motivation for Christians to bear witness to the God of life, manifested in Jesus Christ, in the context of science, medicine, and biotechnology. Many of the most pressing moral and theological issues today come under the heading of bioethics. Christians are sometimes bewildered by the changes and challenges of this world. Flesh and Blood Bioethics hopes to bring light to important topics so that the Christian can become a more persuasive witness for the hope we have.

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